Our Strategic Priority Areas

We, the Global Health Access Initiative adopt global health strategies and practices for improving health and achieving health equity for all people worldwide through multi-sectoral systems and people-centric strategy rather a disease-focused approach in isolation of the ecosystem  which the human person is an integral part of.

Our overarching strategy  is to promote the best use of existing knowledge, technologies, resources, structures and systems, complementing them with evidence-informed global health approaches and innovations to achieve our goals and realize our vision

We identify and uphold the spirit of Universal Health Care and Coverage as unequivocal, unhindered and equitable access to optimal quality health care for all people irrespective of their race, gender, economic and social status and nationality, without inflicting financial hardships.

We recognize and adopt global health as an evolution of concepts and practices of primary health, public health and international health - into a science, art, education, research and practice that adopts a multi-sectoral approach    encompassing national and global polity, policy, governance, economy and security to ensure quality and equity in health within and across the borders

Priority Area One: global health diplomacy policy and advocacy

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  • Inform, influence and operationalize national global health policies to ensure Global Health Security and Universal Health Care as national strategic priorities

  • Advocate for good governance, accountability and programmatic responses

  • Strengthen health systems at macro and micro-levels.

  • Enhance coordination and integration of  health, economic and environmental policies and practices

  • Integrate and address climate health and climate change issues, including the social, environmental and behavioral  determinants of health through climate-smart health care

Priority Area Two: global health learning, education, Research and incubation

  • Link academics with frontline health care and communities through global health learning and incubator platform- ‘GHAI - Fountainhead of ideas’ promoting global health learning  and  innovation to enhance quality and access

  • Adopt, develop and promote responsive differentiated models of care for HIV, other infectious and Non-Communicable Diseases.

  • Invest in, develop and promote data-driven continuous programming and management quality assurance

Priority Area Three: Partnerships and Capacity Building of frontline health workers



  • Facilitate partnerships between health care providers, communities, and corporations to invest in frontline health systems.

  • Build leadership and management capacity of health facilities for efficiency, efficacy and accountability

  • Pilot and support ‘smart health facilities and smart communities’ integrating relevant technologies, programs and interventions for climate-smart healthcare

  • Establish, track and apply community-level global health metrics to inform re-programming and sustainability